Peg's Crayon Box

Join me in my journey to live a more artful and colorful life every day. Come read about my projects, things I've discovered or learned from others, and ponderings on what it means to listen to the inner muse.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Embrace the Winter Season

It would be so easy to hunker down and "suffer" through the winter months - stay inside, complain about the cold, wish I was somewhere warm. But a better way is to embrace the season with friends. Here we are out for a ladies walk in the woods. Lots of laughs as we did a little slipping and sliding, and the exercise and comraderie put us all in good moods.

What goes down must go up,

 then down again as we navigated a small stream. Yahoo - no one fell in!

What a treat at the end to find a welcoming snowman made by other hearty souls!
So, bundle up, go outside, and then enjoy that cup of something warm on your return, gathered around the fire with great friends.

1 comment:

  1. That is the cutest lil snowman; he just makes me smile :-)
